Term & Conditions


Introduction and Acceptance of Terms.

What’s covered in these terms:-

 We know it’s tempting to skip these Terms of Service, but it’s  important to establish what you can expect from us as you use AIDKS Services, and what we expect from you.

These Terms of Service reflect the way AIDKS works, the laws that apply to our organization, and certain things we have always believed to be true . As a result, these Terms of Service help define AIDKS relationship with you as you interact with our services. For example, these terms include the following topic headings:

a.) Became a Member.-

What you expect from Us- AIDKS charge a membership charge on every account creation, these amount directly goes to AIDKS Bank Account. AIDKS allow only Dangi Sangh People to take a membership, if another community take a membership, AIDKS directly take a legal action and also suspend their account.
If any membership account found in any Harassment or any illegal activities AIDKS directly take a legal action and also suspend their account.  

b.) Donation.:-

Only AIDKS member donate, AIDKS use donation money on it’s community, No any illegal activity is done.
c.)  Message to the president:-

Any person send a Message to AIDKS President but any harassment, any illegal or any harmful message is not send, if any body found AIDKS take a legal action.

d.)  About Us:-

An About Us page is a section on a website that provides information about a organization, or individual. It is an opportunity to tell our organization, share your vision, history, values, and achievements, and introduce team members. This is where you build trust and credibility with customers.

e.) History:-
f.) Events:-

Any Events Organize by AIDKS or permission by AIDKS, Is shown in AIDKS website events section
g.)  News.
h.) Gallery:-

In Gallery shown in two part 1. Photo Gallery, Video Gallery.
                   AIDKS fill the gallery section, No any illegal photo or video post in gallery section.
i.) Career:-

Only AIDKS student use career section, Admin of AIDKS not take a single charge for job, if any one take a charge for job, Inform to AIDKS admin.
j.) State Working Committee
k.) National Working Committee.
l.) Account creation of every member

Governing Law.:-

All India Dangi Kshatriya Sangh- AIDKS is a non-government organization, It is  Registration under SOCIETY ACT of Section 1860 , State of Delhi given authority.

Membership law:-


If You use the Website, You shall be responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your data and You shall be responsible for all activities that occur under your name, email id etc. You agree that if You provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete or We have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or not in accordance with the this Terms of Use, We shall have the right to indefinitely suspend or terminate or block access of your membership on the Website and refuse to provide You with access to the Website. You agree that Flipkart shall not be liable or responsible for the activities or consequences of use or misuse of any information that occurs under your Account in cases, including, where You have failed to update Your Email address on the Website.


When You use the Website, share information or communicate with us, You agree and understand that You are communicating with Us through electronic records and You consent to receive communications via electronic records from Us periodically and as and when required. We may communicate with you by email, calls or instant messaging apps or by other modes of communication, electronic or otherwise.

Payment Term:-
While availing any of the payment method/s available on the Platform, we will not be responsible or assume any liability, whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly to You due to:
Lack of authorization for any transaction/s, or Exceeding the preset limit mutually agreed by You and between "Banks", or Any payment issues arising out of the transaction, or Decline of transaction for any other reasons. The donation, once made, will not be refunded, if you donated,  the amount paid by you is mistakenly done, and is refunded.

All payments made against the Donation/membership on Platform by you shall be compulsorily in Indian Rupees acceptable in the Republic of India. Platform will not facilitate transactions with respect to any other form of currency with respect to the purchases made on Platform.

Termination of membership and account is done only in one case, if your account and membership  ID is found in any illegal activities, and AIDKS can take legal action.
Making a change of term and condition Agreement:-

Please check our Terms and Conditions periodically for changes. We may update this Terms and Conditions to reflect changes to our information practices. We will alert you to significant changes by posting the date our policy got last updated, placing a notice on our Platform, or by sending you an email when we are required to do so by applicable law..

Contact Information:-

All India Dangi Kshatriya Sangh.

Phone No:- 9810458057.

Email:- dangi.india01@gmail.com

Address:- Dangi Bhawan, Plot No- 42, Shyam Vihar, Dhasna Road, Nazafgarh, New Delhi- 110043.